《Matrix 2.0 Green paper》从AI模型到MATRIX生命体(下)

2019-07-11 11:23 栏目:经验之谈 来源: 查看()
冷数据可以转化为“数据油”,不仅因为数据本身非常有价值,而且因为它是最“可触摸”的人工智能技术层,而AI模型将数据转化为实际价值。如果数据和计算能力是构建人工智能不可或缺的基石,那么AI模型就是这些基石不断变化的基础。人工智能模型使人工智能技术成为解决各领域实际问题的技术支持。但由于数据和计算能力面临相同甚至更复杂的问题,MAIX希望2.0构建的区块链平台能够解决这些问题。 AI模型 AI的发展受到AI从业者数量的影响。人工智能技术的发展需要更多的人参与AI模型的开发和使用,但是过高的阈值,硬件和软件条件以及其他问题将导致难以训练AI模型。增加。不仅如此,在AI模型开发之后,开发人员的所有权可以得到保护,如果知识产权被任意违反,开发人员的开发意愿将会降低。 MAIX创新地使用区块链技术来管理和建立模型市场,帮助开发人员更好地培训AI模型,提高开发人员的热情和盈利能力,并增加使用AI模型的机会。 MAIX希望在区块链技术的支持下完成分布式培训和模型验证,以帮助AI模型开发人员更轻松地开发和保护开发人员的知识产权;区块链创建的可追踪模型市场使开发人员能够根据用户的有效反馈对AI模型进行优化和改进,从而吸引更多人开发AI模型,为人工智能的快速发展提供动力技术。 分布式培训 多样性是生物学进化中非常重要的因素。对于人工智能,基于区块链的分散系统,将创建和培训更多模型,并且分布式培训将对开发人员更有效。提供电源和其他帮助,帮助开发人员更好地完成AI模型的开发。分散的网络将导致大爆炸等人工智能技术的爆炸式发展。 型号确认 Like other computer software and services, the threshold for imitation or plagiarism of AI models is very low. The lack of effective intellectual property protection is a long-standing lingering dream of many data scientists. If everyone closes their research results, It will hinder the development of AI technology. MAIX uses blockchain technology to validate scientists' models to protect scientists' intellectual property. Traceable model market Another important application of the blockchain is traceability. Based on this feature, a traceable model market is created. Each model created by each scientist will be recorded on the blockchain by each user or application developer. Using this untamed account book to record every benefit that scientists should get, and the record of the actual use of the model, will also help scientists get accurate feedback, so that the model can be better tuned in the future. MAIX 2.0 technology architecture MAIX 2.0 is inseparable from data, computing power and AI model. In 2.0, we use AI-enabled blockchain platform to manage artificial intelligence in a distributed way, and find a new balance between privacy and openness for the development of artificial intelligence. Improve the participation of artificial intelligence participants and promote the further development of blockchain and artificial intelligence technology. Matrix AI Network MAIX 1.0 is the basis of 2.0 implementation. In 1.0, MAIX uses AI to explore the better performance of blockchain technology, and builds an efficient and secure decentralized open source open platform for 2.0 construction. Whether it is the data link, cloud-fog-terminal computing architecture, or the blockchain operating system described below, the Matrix AI Network is inseparable. Block storage and compute nodesxx 在MAIX 2.0中,始终使用“隐私”,“确定”和“安全”。为了更好地平衡宣传和隐私之间的关系,MAIX通过设计支持数据安全和数据授权的区块链平台来实现。 1)在保证用户数据隐私的前提下,实现大数据交易,提高数据使用效率; (2)支持行业大数据应用,支持各类企业数据协作和共享,实现企业人工智能的真正落地; (3)为大数据行业提供可持续发展的途径,实现数据生成,数据建模,数据应用和数据交易之间的分离与协作,避免传统意义上的数据孤岛。 为解决隐私计算问题,区块链系统引入了安全多方计算(SMC)框架。该框架的核心是解决一组不信任参与者之间的协同计算保护问题。 SMC必须确保输入的独立性,计算的正确性,并且不要将输入值泄露给参与计算的其他成员。参与隐私计算可以是任何区块链网络节点,其可以发起协作计算任务,或者可以参与由其他方发起的计算任务,完成协作计算任务,并输出唯一结果。 区块链操作系统 除了分布式总账功能和私有数据的功能外,区块链还集成了各种功能,以提供方便,灵活的配置,即用型和统一的行为。 区块链操作系统的核心由五部分组成: (1)任务调度和计算能力分配; (2)计算资源管理; (3)支持隐私的云存储; (4)支持安全和路由控制的网络; (5)支持用户权限和分布式管理安全机制。 For developers, the blockchain operating system will provide smart contract virtual machine and oracle services, multi-chain, middle layer, contract formation, Dapp formation and other services, and provide a variety of plug-in services for developers; for users In other words, the blockchain operating system needs to provide an additional user interface, an intelligent human-computer interaction system, and a blockchain application interaction system. In addition, for the characteristics of the blockchain itself, the operating system will also provide a pricing system that allows users to select components and services based on their needs. The artificial intelligence economy envisioned by MAIX 2.0 is inseparable from the blockchain technology, but more importantly, it is inseparable from the contributions of platform participants. The construction of a platform or the formation of an ecosystem needs to meet the conditions of multi-party profitability. In the face of data providers, MAIX uses blockchain technology to complete data validation; in the face of computing providers, data scientists or computing users are paid to use Competence; in the face of AI model developers, MAIX protects the intellectual property of data scientists, and at the same time helps the data scientists to complete the optimization of the model through traceability, and provides data scientists with a rich interface for secondary development by users or direct developers. In this way, data providers, power providers, and AI model developers receive corresponding rewards in the platform. When more people participate in MAIX 2.0, the MAIX 2.0 ecosystem can become a decentralized "AI life body" with unlimited evolution.xx



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